Something in common ;Job & Peter

I observed an interesting Similarity between the stories of Job(Old Testament) & that of Simon Peter(New Testament) Satan asked God for permission to handle them, satan was granted the opportunity though with limitations, God intervened, and they learnt valuable lessons through it all. PeterAnd the Lord said, “Simon, Simon! Indeed, Satan has asked for you,... Continue Reading →

Oh My…

The tears i have shed The aches that rocked my head The tides that washed away my bread The times i refused to be led You were always there Oh My Scars over flesh these mirrors reflect Countless rights my choice once left In shame's naked fest i was undressed In fear's choke hold was... Continue Reading →


It's clear he doesn't care yet you keep wasting your good The shoulder you offered for their comfort they use as a stepping stone Over and over they're rude when you play good Turn this table, it's been years since you've been letting go I understand your discomfort when i offer their hate with an... Continue Reading →

Guy One, Guy Two

Picture This! Guy One asks a lady out for a relationship He says to her "I want to take you as my wife, but here's a bunch of rules you have to follow... You will follow these rules for 10 years, then i'll decide whether to take you in as my wife based on how... Continue Reading →

Can You Wait

You tried You cried You're denied You sighed You that gives but hardly gets back You whose leading legs get stepped on You with great concerns decorating your mind You whose leaning shoulders get climbed upon Your hands help when it's weary You share yours with a backbiter You see who needs help though your... Continue Reading →

No Shoulders; An Ear for the Body

A close friend called It was a complaint everytime she called It was another relationship issue I keep it long distance cos i have mine too I could tell what's coming whenever her call comes She complained about him and about work It wasn't getting any better But then it made me wonder Wonder like;... Continue Reading →

He Copes Better

This little boy had wishes He grew up with shattered wishes Kept wishing daddy would buy me the birthday gift i want Only for mum to buy me gifts i didn't really want Issues with college of choice began to mount Troubles getting funds for dreams i knew would count Too much turn-down made me... Continue Reading →

A Date with The Updates

Depression has more teachers than schools The weather man's predictions has been far from what is true Love seems so close to an unseen expiry date More hearts relocated to the cold state Boredom made a deal with the air we breathe Time these days has been full of tricks The Eater of Children's innocence... Continue Reading →

Based on True Conversations ... WDY: What's good bro? FRND: Nothing much, just chilling *Handshake* *snaps fingers* *Bro hug* WDY: Cool, How's your health plus the hustle? FRND: Mhen! It's been up and down but we give thanks to Allah. WDY: Yeah God is Good. Yes! i've been doing some studies of the Quran and... Continue Reading →

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